Sri Birendra Darshan
Sri Birendra Chandra Chakraborty, His Excellency was well known to the general mass as Param Pita Janmasiddyha Thakur Sri Sri Balak Brahmachari Maharaj. Sri Sri Thakur's disciples, devotees, followers and impassioned counts to 25 Crores in India itself. During his tenure, many great men of different name and fame from various castes, creeds and sects of the society had the opportunity to seek His blessings.The Great Hymn “RAM NARAYAN RAM” was given by Sri Sri Thakur which is the revamp of “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Here, Ram is not a name of God. Ram is something which is gigantic, something which is big, everything that is best and all that is evil. Ram Narayan Ram is the combination of all that you see, understand and know.
Sri Birendra Darshan
Latest Episodes
Mahanaam by Sri Sri Thakur Balak Brahmachari Maharaj

Speech on Social Cognizance -2 by Sri Sri Thakur Balak Brahmachari Maharaj

Speech on Social Cognizance by Sri Sri Thakur Balak Brahmachari Maharaj